Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Having carefully transported their critically injured Trulla companion, the heroes set up camp in the disgusting but warm cave of the now boilt-dead Ettin. As Ewald tends to Gruff, Rory and Tristan search the Ettin's warren. Rory quickly ferrets out the Ettin's treasure, crudely hidden under a heavy stone and some moldy furs. It includes a tidy pile of coins (both Rhis and Punt) and a small metal box with twelve finely crafted gems. He also finds an oilskin scroll case, which, much to his delight, contains several arcane spells. Reading material for later.

In another room of the cave, Tristan discovers a large pile of bloody, discarded armor and a smaller but still significant pile of rusty weapons that failed to serve their owners well enough, but might make due for the group. He spends the next hour sorting out the good from the bad. In the end he comes away with a enough weapons and armor to outfit the entire group. His best find by far is a finely crafted broadsword complete with fine knotwork engravings and gems in the pommel and guard. The complete lack of corrosion and razored edge are enough hint that the blade is special. As an added bonus, he discovers a shiny bronze ring etched with runes that feels warm in the hand.

After rejoining the others and passing out the weapons and armor Tristan goes out to finally track and kill some food. Rory sits down to study the ring, passed to him by Tristan for that purpose and Ewald sets to repairing, cleaning and sharpening the armor and weapons, including a surprisingly good Hodran greataxe that by it's quality seems to have been a warchieftian's weapon. Both men occasionally check on Gruff, who's condition seems to be worsening as he slips in and out of consciousness.

Gruff's pain is nearly too much to bear. Any movement sends fresh waves of agony, but sleep seems to be beyond his reach. Though he can't be sure at first if it's hallucination, he has the most interesting experience...

Through bleary eyes he wakes and sees that he is alone in the cavern. In the greasy torchlight he sees the shadowy entrance and a form taking shape there. Moments later, a tall and grizzled old Trulla Shaman stands before him. In the man's hands is a massive and twisted staff, capped with an assortment of animal horns and bones. Though the Trulla seems ancient, he also seems strong and his gaze is piercing as he eyes Gruff and steps up next to him.

"You did well out there young buck. This old Seer is proud of you."

Gruff is understandably confused and at first makes no reply. Eventually, when the old trulla refuses to disappear, he asks, "Who are you?"

"I am Seer Gavin. I have come to aid you if I can, if you'll have my aid. You defeated the beast that defiled this holy place, and for that I would reward you." With these words the old shaman reaches down and lays a hand on Gruff, immediately easing the pain, at least temporarily.

In the conversation that follows, Gruff learns that the hot springs were once a holy site of the Trulla people. The waters here healed, before the Ettin's Grandfather came and corrupted them. Seer Gavin offers to help heal Gruff if he can get his friends to help cleanse the waters. He spends the next little while teaching Gruff the directions to some pools deep in the caves that can partially restore him. Once that's done, he can cleanse the main pool and fully heal himself. Or so he promises. Though Gruff's nature causes him to be wary, he goes along.

When Tristan returns at dusk, he does so bearing meat in the form of a hefty mountain sheep, much to the delight of his hungry companions. Rory passes along what he knows of the ring, having remembered some old arcana and referred to his father's tome. The ring was forged by elemental beings called the Fire Lords on the elemental plane of fire, Piara Tinis. By speaking the command word three times, one can call forth a being of fire to serve you. There were several rings forged and given to mortals who served the Fire Lords. The creature summoned would be a warrior obedient to the summoner.

The lecture is interrupted however when Gruff awakens, spouting out a series of directions. "Left, Left, Straight, Right, Up and Right, forty paces and down..." Though Ewald first thinks them fevered ramblings, Rory eventually writes them down. Gruff then explains what he has learned and tells them they must take him to where he can be healed before passing out once more. Though the group is suspicious, Ewald judges that Gruff will die in the night without some kind of miracle. It is decided to take Gruff deeper into the caves in hopes that his story is true.

Strapping Gruff to a crude gurney of sticks and skins, they place it atop one of Rory's handy floating disks and set off. They arrive at their destination a short while later. Clean pools, untouched by the Ettin's (since the passages are far too small) can be seen here. Gruff is awakened by Seer Gavin, who appears to be standing next to Tristan and the others. "Gruff, you must use one of the gems now. The gems you found earlier. They have power within them Gruff. When I tell you, drop the gem into the pool and I will heal you."

This of course makes Gruff even more suspicious. The gems the old Seer speaks of are the dark jewels Gruff found in the Daagar Sorcerer's room. The gems kept under the somewhat sinister looking dark statue of a Shadowy God. But he IS in a great deal of pain, and this IS one of his people speaking to him. As Gruff looks at the pools, he sees Trulla carvings in the wall and his fears are dampened. It appears this is a Trulla holy site after all. When the others aren't watching, Gruff deftly retrieves a jewel from his loincloth and drops it into the water.

Moments later, Rory utters a spell and proclaims that the pool is indeed magical. They carefully lower Gruff into the water and wait. Gruff drifts as Seer Gavin spends the time chanting in low, prayer-like tones. Ewald monitors Gruff’s condition and can see that he is improving. After an hour or so in the pool, the magic wanes and Gruff is greatly restored. Seer Gavin reminds Gruff that to fully restore him, the main pool must be cleansed.

Once more in the Ettin’s cave, the party sits down to their first good meal in a long while. Gruff is able to sip some broth and hobble about the cave (a vast improvement). He’s also able to sulk a bit about all the good loot being taken. After polishing up a good two-handed sword and refitting some armor he and Ewald decide to go through the weapons once more, this time using detection spells to make sure nothing magical was missed. There’s a scramble and short wrestling match when they both discover a shimmering dagger under a pile of old leather. Alas, Gruff’s injuries keep him from this prize too, though Ewald offers to trade it for something else of value. More grumbling ensues.

Rory and Tristan discuss the ring and decide to chance summoning the elemental, just to see what they have. There’s a flash and a bang and then from the fire emerges a four foot, lithe female with bronze wings and flaming red hair. Over her shoulders are slung two thin, Kris swords and a bandoleer of throwing knives. Her red tinged skin glows slightly. She is extremely hyper as she buzzes around the cavern.

A short conversation reveals her name to be something unpronounceable that sounds like a roaring campfire. The group decides to call her Ember. She tells Rory that she is of the Piara Forisi and is one of the Fire Lord’s best scouts. In exchange for the ability to once again walk the middle realm she will serve Rory until such time as her Lord calls her away. Then she refuses to leave. And she talks a lot. And sometimes sets things on fire. But she’s nice.

In the morning, Seer Gavin returns, telling Gruff that it is time for his full healing and the cleansing of the main pool. Much to the group’s disgust, this means they have to actually remove the boiled Ettin and various other, unrecognizable chunks of flesh from the hot spring. After a few minutes poking around with spears Ember comes to the rescue, offering to get rid of everything from the pool.

The group takes cover, far back from the spring as Ember sticks her hands into the already boiling water and concentrates. It takes time, but eventually the pool begins to boil at an even more rapid rate and soon begins steaming aggressively. Soon Ember and the spring can’t even be seen through the hissing steam cloud. Rory actually passes out from the heat before Tristan can drag him further away. When all is said and done, and the steaming stops, every last bit of contaminant in the pool has been burned away, along with most of the water.

As the spring slowly refills, Seer Gavin explains that Gruff needs to covertly drop another of the magic gems into the spring to get it functioning. Since the others are mostly looking after the still unconscious Rory it's easy to do. A few more muttered prayers from the old seer and then Gruff gingerly enters the pool. It has somehow been made cool enough to enter, but Gavin warns Gruff that the pool will only function for Trulla, since this is a Trulla holy place. If Gruff thinks the logic is anything other than sound, he is quickly too "immersed" in the good feelings of healing to care.

Having no further reason to stay at the pools, the group soon packs up and heads out, using Ember as an extremely useful, if somewhat conspicuous, flying scout. Despite the fire spirit's comet-like flight (or perhaps because of it) the group encounters no further travel woes. Two days of hard walking finds them quickly approaching Gruff's home, the village of Namichek. Rory's ever-helpful levitation spells get the party up the very vertical, very high cliffs. Gruff is obviously worried due to the fact that no sentries were encountered.

The village is a sprawling, cliff-side network of narrow rope bridges and switchback rock ledges interspersed with caves and cleverly constructed stone buildings. It's also completely deserted. After Gruff leads the group to what passes for the village square, a wide ledge on the edge of an equally wide mouthed cave, he quickly explores the rest of the village, affirming that it is indeed empty. Tristan takes the opportunity to look around, discovering some signs of a fire, and a few very old patches of dried blood. He also finds a few old leather remnants and some metal harness rings. Ewald identifies them as Durin climbing harnesses.

Gruff then finds a Trulla rune scrawled on a cave wall and explains that it is a trail sign branding the village "compromised". He surmises that those of his people that survived the attack on Namichek fled to one of two possible smaller holdings even further up in the mountain range. It's huddled near the fire, a broken Durin climbing harness clutched in his meaty paws, that Gruff tells Ewald he owes the Durin a Life debt. Though he is bound by honor to travel with the group until he can repay his debt, he asks that they first find his people and see that they are safe before leading them home.

Ewald and the others agree to help him. The old Durin and the others even offer to return some day to the Darkurth realms to put an end to Queen Meevey and her grove. Ember curls up in the fire to sleep, complaining that it's the only place even nominally warm enough. Alone but for the howling of the mountain winds outside the party talks and reminisces before finally settling in.

In the morning, Rory is somewhat surprised to find Tristan frozen stiff with fear, halfway across a nearby rope bridge and clutching the ropes with utter dread. Once he's carefully pried loose and taken back to the cave, he explains that while on morning watch and searching for more clues, he was suddenly overcome with the sheer height and precariousness of it all and experienced a strong case of vertigo. Gruff and Ember both shake their heads at the absurdity of it all but both graciously offer to carry Tristan down. Rory's method proves more palatable to the ranger however, and one blindfold and delicate Levitation spell later he is safely upon terra firma once more.

Again the group heads upwards, further into the Argon range. They camp and are up at first light, traveling most of the next day as well. In the afternoon of that second day they come upon a Trulla sentry near what Gruff explains is the Trulla cliff fort they are searching for. After a quick conversation and reunion, for it's obvious that Cheg the sentry and Gruff are old friends, Gruff introduces his companions and they proceed to the fort. The look that passes over Cheg's bearded face at sight of Ewald is not missed by anyone. Ewald has a chance to wonder exactly how he will be received.

Though inside it turns Tristan slightly to jelly, he manages to make it up the cliff with Rory's aid and into the narrow chimney of stone that hides this even higher Trulla redoubt. Unlike Namichek, this smaller holding is crowded with Trulla warriors, women and children. They all gawk at the strangers and many stare with open malice at Ewald though he tries to ignore it. The group is led into the main cave, for much to Tristan's relief a large portion of this holding is within caves, and before a massive, blonde furred Trulla warrior.

The warrior is seated before a large fire, his legs covered with a woolen blanket. On each side a female serves him drink and food. Other warriors are seated near the fire. He smiles warmly at sight of Gruff. "BROTHER! It is good to see you! Come sit by the fire and tell us of your adventures!" Gruff responds in kind, but notes with some dismay that his brother, Billy, does not rise or make any use of his legs.

Over a warm meal and strong liquor made of goat's milk the group is told of how Namichek was surprised and overrun more than a year ago by a large army of Hodra and Kuldan with the aid of sorcery and Durinmade climbing harnesses. It was in this battle that Billy was wounded by one of the Kuldan and lost the use of his legs. The greatest of their healers was killed as well, along with many of their clan. The survivors fled here, to Selghaven.

Twice in the times since, Billy has sent scouts to try and reach the other clan of Trulla far to the south, but neither has returned. It appears that the Blackback tribe of Hodra has grown quite strong. The group tells Billy about the Daagar connection with the Blackbacks. Gruff also tells Billy about the holy springs to the west, hoping their magics might heal his brother. Billy seems doubtful and resigned to his condition.

It quickly becomes obvious that Billy is interested in passing on the mantle of leadership to Gruff, leaving the Trulla adventurer in somewhat of a predicament. Ember, after causing quite a stir around the Trulla begs leave of Rory to return to her own planes for a spell. Rory is happy to oblige, for even though Ember has calmed and become easier to get along with, she is still taxing on the nerves, and Rory has been overtired of late.

Two weeks pass in Selghaven. While spring settles on the high mountains and the worst of the snows begin to melt, the adventurers settle in for a well deserved rest. Though Ewald is far from comfortable amongst his people's ancient enemies, Billy has passed word that Ewald is a friend. Rory quickly recovers his health and wind, finally settling down to study and write in his father's spellbook. Tristan keeps mostly to the insides of Selghaven, devising possible plans to reach the Trulla clan to the Southeast with Billy, Gruff and Ewald. In the back of his mind, Tristan knows their mistress is probably looking for them and the Staff Rory still carries.

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